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RSS created

Jake ā€” June 19 2020* *Edited for spelling June 26, 2020 | the contents of this webpage may be incorrect

I have created four (4) RSS feeds...

Likely this is three too many (and if someone decides that they do not want to read an article they can just not read it) but I feel that this is best.

General/All RSS will contain all things including blog posts that are not applicable to the other tags. Tech RSS will have tech stuff in it like stuff about this website or in tech in general.

News RSS will contain news that I found and decided to share or talk about - most likely about current events.

Occult RSS will contain things that probably wouldn't be talked about in the mainstream media. Aliens... cloning... meditation... anything that is too 'crazy' for mainstream consumption will go here. This reason is actually why I am creating an independent blog free from WordPress or from other Silicone Valley. I have seen too many truth-seeker's webpage get removed for 'violating community standards' or something.

Note: when this blog is published there will only 2 entries on the my site... News RSS and Occult RSS feeds will be empty! I may change the RSS system later.