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Alien Threat Awareness

Jake Thoughts — 04 Dec 2020 11:12:16 -0500

This is an old opinion, please, do not view this as my current opinion. You can see the new one here:

Alien Threat Awareness Addendum

This post is about the alien menace, the hidden threat. Most likely this will come off as a rant of a schizo but to me that is fine. Honestly, anything slightly occult-y will seem schizo and the only people that will know different are people who are not 'normals', mundanes, 'muggles' (I throw up), or people that have been directly affected by these kinds of things.

What is an alien? A being that is not an Earthling or from Earth. You can make the argument that we are the aliens to the aliens, but like the word infidel or gentile, I think we would use the alien's word for alien to describe the alien's point of view.

Lets go to an alternative universe... Where it is the year 30053 and humanity comes across a fledgling alien world. We want that world. We NEED that world. But for some reason we cannot conquest the world by force. Trade agreements perhaps, One Universe Government rulings perhaps, whatever the case we need that world so - it must subterfuge. Since the inhabitants of the fledgling world are sentient beings, they need to agree to join us.

What is the best way to get the aliens to agree to join us? Well, currently they are barely above the equivalent of a bronze age, so they are in no position to aid our causes meaning we need to speed up their technological development. We will also need to be mindful of their religions - if they have any - and make plans to use religious prophets for our own use later. Additionally, we will need to make sure they have positive feelings regarding aliens so our presence won't be shunned immediately - so we will have to make 'appearances' so they talk about us or at least their cultures will not be too shell-shocked when we make our moves publicly. We will need 'alien' prophets. Aliens that say we are good, kind, etc, etc.. that we 'love' them and would like to 'help' them advance to an age where there is no war, poverty, violence, or hunger.

Due to our technological advancements, the aliens cannot tell the difference between it and magic. We can 'literally' make their religious prophets 'come back from the dead'. We can affect their weather. We can 'telepathically' communicate with them. We can influence their dreams. We can kill them, reanimate them with the bits we want them to keep and with the bits we add (probably not allowed by the rule book but no one will look too closely, probably). We can enslave them if they give us their permission ("Yes!! I agree that you can do anything to me! I LOVE ALIENS! HELP ME ASCEND!!!"). We can do anything - except take their world by force.

Gene therapy is not too difficult for us anymore but intermingling human-alien DNA is truly hell. First of all - do they even have DNA? Second of all - assuming it is possible to intermingle our biological components, we will want a 'super-class' of human-aliens that are subservient to us and to act as rulers of their planet after the aliens agree to join us. The human-aliens will be subservient through biological conditioning (subservient genes), technological enslavement (brain-chips), and cultural environment that make it seem like it is an honor to serve us. If, somehow, the human-alien breaks through his conditioning he will find that his peers are still willing to serve us - and there is always another who can take his place. In order to facilitate human-aliens, we will need abduct a couple of regular aliens here and there and do something to them (probably not allowed if they haven't given their permission, but no one cares for or will look for these particular aliens, probably. It would be to our advantage if 'alien-abductees' as a cultural phenomenon is treated with disdain). If we cannot intermingle their biological components, well, surely some of them would 'trade their soul' to be the rulers of the world... Something like that does require their culture to be receptive to this deal which we will have to make sure happens.

At some point (with our help) they will advance to the correct technological age by going down the technological path we set. We SHOULD control or greatly influence most of the world's governments (if not world government). Their civilization will begin to collapse """for some reason""" - food shortages, pandemics, violence, if you can name it - its happening. The point of this is simple: make them look for a savior as billions of them die, removing a huge useless chunk of the population... leaving the lucky (NPCs who did not die), strong, and wicked. Maybe we will make our presence known, finally. The governments will be receptive. Or maybe they will be 'hostile,' it depends on the move.

"Oh no! We have to help! Enlightened beings such as us cannot bear to see such horrible things! Here, xenos, take this technology that fixes some of your issues, you won't and can never understand how it works - because it's only the year 2002 for you while for us its like 34k something."

They will love us. They will be in-debt to us because we provided solutions to problems we caused. The alien prophets will sing hymns about us. Ideally, with our encouragement, the prophets will start a new religion, based on us - as gods. Governments will 'listen' to them (they already belong to us). Maybe, their old religious prophets will come back and tell them that we are the light and the way. Non-believers are basically like [insert bad man/entity here] and should be [religious term for justified killing] before they [insert bad man/entity actions here]. They wouldn't be able to tell that the religious prophets are fakes - they aren't THAT technologically advanced, yet. Maybe true believers will be able to tell the difference... we will have to keep them quiet somehow.

In order to further grow our reputation we will begin to provide or facilitate;

  • 'Expose' the secret world government (that we aided in its creation) and aid in their destruction (to install an overtly human-friendly government)
  • Gene therapy clinics - get that eyeball color you always wanted! Or maybe you want to be extra fit with no effort? No problem! (May give extra bits)
  • Medical technology that performs things once believed as 'miracles' (may give subject extra bits)
  • Superior plant/insect based food so that the equivalent of cows will no long have to be eaten
  • Complete and total gender reassignment surgery by lab growing our own opposite gender of their species (if they even have that - may come with extra bits)
  • A game system that beams its content directly into your skull so you can consume forever
  • Human Funky PALs! Heckin' based!
  • Netflims... except 128k resolution at a million FPS!!
  • Nano-chip technology that allows anyone to watch alien-approved Netflims in their skull at any given time (might turn subject into 'smart' zombie)
  • Safer neighborhoods™
  • Better cameras that record in 128k resolution - only used by those we approve of
  • Human 'powers' 'given' to those who know something and freely join us
  • And more and more... So that the majority of the population will trust us

The population will increasingly be indebted to us, taking our technology which solves their issues while increasing their dependence on us. We will seem like superior beings compared to them and they will want to emulate us. Eventually, our prophets will suggest to their fellow aliens that they should join the humans! This idea will roam around in their head spurred on by our controlled media - only in a positive light, maybe some banana-court 'debates' where the opposing side 'looses soundly'. At some point the (new?) government will 'ask' to join us...

If, for some reason, we get resistance, we should threaten to turn off our technology - they will go back to mass starvation, plagues, etc.. This will pressure the world to go in two directions: either useful idiots will purge dissidents thus ensuring the world belongs to the correct people, or the entire world will go against us. Clearly, a card to use with care.

The critical moment MUST be handled and done correctly - they MUST see us in a positive light, they MUST see us as some kind of saviors (they will be 'indebted' to us), they MUST have correct technological advancements that allow them to effortlessly enslave themselves and to disseminate our good name, and most importantly: they MUST NOT REJECT US. If they formally and totally reject us - we lost. It would have been better for us to kill them all with a plague than to have this happen.

This is more or less my view point regarding aliens. If you couldn't tell, in this story the 'humans' are the aliens and the 'aliens' are humans. Why do I think that they cannot take the world by force? Well, simply because they haven't yet. Maybe aliens haven't yet discovered this world yet but I've seen and heard a good number of discussions about aliens, so I don't think this is the case. I literally believe they exist and so do many others. That is not an accident. I believe there are 'good' aliens but no way will good aliens do what my story tells. They would forbid themselves from being seen. They would not influence us until we asked to speak with them. They would not give us technology since that creates a dependence on them.

As for plagues, food shortages... I mean if I was starving nearly to death and everyone I know did starve to death and someone gave me food to live, I think I would be eternally grateful. Of course they would exploit that. They are not human so human principles cannot apply to them. To them we might as well be dogs. Or ants. Although that might be a human principle... The point is - I think they have been here for a long time and they do not have humanities best interest in mind.

I've written this 'blog post' (opinion piece) to share my feelings on the alien threat. Hopefully this is just a schizo post but only time will tell. I hope my thoughts will be with yours if my story starts happening in real life. The most obvious 'moves' the aliens can make is probably them literally appearing. If they literally appear, things are almost too late I think. The only reason aliens appear is if they think the world is so SO close to agree to join them.

A lot of my thinking is influenced by 'The Allies of Humanity' something I read long before making this website, and this opinion piece of mine might as well be a poor rewrite of what it has to say, from the perspective of us as the aliens. I disagree that Summers will be the next 'good person in history', but I digress. A part of me wonders if Summers really did talk to aliens but I suppose that doesn't really matter. Some Christians will say that ALL aliens are demons and maybe that is the case. It would be good for us to adopt this way of thinking, it might save us when they do make their final moves, rejecting their 'gifts' and not falling for their lies.

If Jesus came back from 'Heaven' and began to talk to every one, would you be able to tell that it actually is Jesus and not something else? Would anybody? Food for thought, I think.

Website news: I am looking into a way for users to submit comments without relying on a third party. Probably via a CGI-script. I think what I want to do is to embed the comments rather than literally replace each blog post with a CGI page. Not sure yet. I'll do something and it'll probably be retarded.